Spacy NLP Pipeline Tutorial for Beginners

Spacy NLP Pipeline Tutorial for Beginners

In NLP, the pipeline is the concept of integrating various text processing components together such that, the output of one component serves as the input for the next component. Spacy provides built-in functionality of pipelines that can be set up quite easily. In this tutorial, we will take you through the features of the Spacy NLP Pipeline along with examples.

Spacy NLP Pipeline

Spacy NLP pipeline lets you integrate multiple text processing components of Spacy, whereas each component returns the Doc object of the text that becomes an input for the next component in the pipeline.

We can easily play around with the Spacy pipeline by adding, removing, disabling, replacing components as per our needs. Moreover, you can also customize the pipeline components if required.

Spacy NLP Pipeline Components

Spacy NLP Pipeline Tutorial for Beginners

The default components of a trained pipeline include tagger, lemmatizer, parser, and entity recognizers. We can improve the efficiency of this pipeline process by only enabling those components which are needed or by processing the texts as a stream using nlp.pipe and buffer them in batches, instead of one-by-one.

We can initialize them by calling nlp.add_pipe with their names and Spacy will automatically add them to the nlp pipeline. Below is the list of different NLP components and their description.

Below are the components that are available in Spacy Pipeline.

tagger Tagger Assign part-of-speech-tags.
parser DependencyParser Assign dependency labels.
ner EntityRecognizer Assign named entities.
entity_linker EntityLinker Assign knowledge base IDs to named entities. Should be added after the entity recognizer.
entity_ruler EntityRuler Assign named entities based on pattern rules and dictionaries.
textcat TextCategorizer Assign text categories: exactly one category is predicted per document.
textcat_multilabel MultiLabel_TextCategorizer Assign text categories in a multi-label setting: zero, one or more labels per document.
lemmatizer Lemmatizer Assign base forms to words.
morphologizer Morphologizer Assign morphological features and coarse-grained POS tags.
attribute_ruler AttributeRuler Assign token attribute mappings and rule-based exceptions.
senter SentenceRecognizer Assign sentence boundaries.
sentencizer Sentencizer Add rule-based sentence segmentation without the dependency parse.
tok2vec Tok2Vec Assign token-to-vector embeddings.
transformer Transformer Assign the tokens and outputs of a transformer model.

Adding Custom Attributes

In Spacy, we can add metadata in the context and save it in custom attributes using nlp.pipe. This could be done by passing the text and its context in tuples form and passing a parameter astuples=True. The output will be a sequence of doc and context. In the example below, we are passing a list of texts along with some custom attributes to nlp.pipe and setting those attributes to the doc using doc.

In [1]:
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Doc

if not Doc.has_extension("text_id"):
    Doc.set_extension("text_id", default=None)

text_tuples = [("This is the first text.", {"text_id": "text1"}),
    ("This is the second text.", {"text_id": "text2"})]

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc_tuples = nlp.pipe(text_tuples, as_tuples=True)

docs = []
for doc, context in doc_tuples:
    doc._.text_id = context["text_id"]

for doc in docs:
    print(f"{doc._.text_id}: {doc.text}")
[Out] :
text1: This is the first text.
text2: This is the second text.


Spacy has provided a built-in multiprocessing option with nlp.pipe using the n_process. This will greatly increase the performance of the nlp pipeline. We can use this to make it a multiprocessing task or also make it multiprocessing with as many processes as CPUs can afford by passing n_process=-1 to nlp.pipe.

However, this should be used with caution. We can also set our own batch_size in the nlp pipeline which is 1000 by default. For shorter tasks, it can be faster to use a smaller number of processes with a larger batch size. The optimal batch_size setting will depend on the pipeline components, the length of your documents, the number of processes, and how much memory is available.

In [2]:
docs = nlp.pipe(texts, n_process=4, batch_size=2000)

Spacy Pipeline Under the Hood

Spacy pipeline package consists of three components: the weights, i.e. binary data loaded in from a directory, a pipeline of functions called in order, and language data like the tokenization rules and language-specific settings. A Spanish NER pipeline requires different weights, language data, and components than an English parsing and tagging pipeline.

This is also why the pipeline state is always held by the Language class. spacy.load puts this all together and returns an instance of Language with a pipeline set and access to the binary data.

In [3]:
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp(text)

When we load a pipeline, Spacy first consults the meta.json and config.cfg. The config tells Spacy what language class to use, which components are in the pipeline, and how those components should be created.

  • Load the language class and data for the given ID via get_lang_class and initialize it. The Language class contains the shared vocabulary, tokenization rules, and language-specific settings.
  • Iterate over the pipeline names and look up each component name in the [components] block. The factory tells Spacy which component factory to use for adding the component with add_pipe. The settings are passed into the factory.
  • Make the model data available to the Language class by calling from_disk with the path to the data directory.


The pipeline’s config.cfg tells Spacy to use the language “en” and the pipeline [“tok2vec”, “tagger”, “parser”, “ner”, “attribute_ruler”, “lemmatizer”]. Spacy will then initialize spacy.lang.en.English, and create each pipeline component and add it to the processing pipeline. It’ll then load in the model data from the data directory and return the modified Language class for you to use as the nlp object.

lang = "en"
pipeline = ["tok2vec", "parser"]

factory = "tok2vec"   # Settings for the tok2vec component
factory = "parser"   # Settings for the parser component


Spacy first tokenizes the text, loads the model data, and then calls each component in order. The component then accesses the model data to assign annotations to Doc object, token, or to the span of doc object.

The modified document returned by a component is passed to the next component for processing in the pipeline. The output from one component serves as the input for another component for example part of speech tag assigned to a token server as input data for lemmatizer. However, some of the components work independently such as tagger and parser, and don’t require data from any other components.

In [1]:
doc = nlp.make_doc("This is a sentence")  # Create a Doc from raw text
for name, proc in nlp.pipeline:           # Iterate over components in order
    doc = proc(doc)                       # Apply each component

When can get the list of processing pipelines with the help of nlp.pipeline which returns a list of tuples containing component name and component itself. Whereas nlp.pipe_names returns all the component’s names.

In [2]:
[Out] :
[('tok2vec', <spacy.pipeline.Tok2Vec>), ('tagger', <spacy.pipeline.Tagger>), ('parser', <spacy.pipeline.DependencyParser>), ('ner', <spacy.pipeline.EntityRecognizer>), ('attribute_ruler', <spacy.pipeline.AttributeRuler>), ('lemmatizer', <spacy.lang.en.lemmatizer.EnglishLemmatizer>)]
['tok2vec', 'tagger', 'parser', 'ner', 'attribute_ruler', 'lemmatizer']

Customizing Pipeline

In Spacy, we can customize our NLP pipeline. That is we can add, disable, exclude and modify components in the pipeline. This could make a big difference in processed text and will improve loading and inference speed. For example, if we don’t need a tagger or parser we can disable or exclude them from the pipeline.

Disable Component

We can disable the pipeline component while loading the pipeline by using disable keyword. It will be included but disabled by default. The component and its data will be loaded with the pipeline, but it will be disabled and not run as part of the processing pipeline. However, we can explicitly enable it when needed by calling nlp.enable_pipe.

For example, the trained Spacy pipeline ‘en_core_web_sm’ contains both a parser and senter that perform sentence segmentation, but the senter is disabled by default.

In [3]:
import spacy

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm", disable=["tagger", "parser"])   # Loading the tagger and parser but don't enable them.
doc = nlp("This sentence wouldn't be tagged and parsed")

nlp.enable_pipe("tagger")     # Explicitly enabling the tagger later on.
doc = nlp("This sentence will only be tagged")

We can use the nlp.select_pipes context manager to temporarily disable certain components for a given block. The select_pipes returns an object that lets us call its restore() method to restore the disabled components when needed. This could be useful if we want to prevent unnecessary code indentation of large blocks.

In [4]:
import spacy

disabled = nlp.select_pipes(disable=["tagger", "parser"])
doc = nlp("This senetence will be tagged as well as parsed")

If we want to disable all pipes except for one or a few, we can use the enable keyword.

In [5]:
import spacy

nlp=spacy.load(enable="parser")   # Enable only the parser
doc = nlp("This sentence will only be parsed")

Exclude Components

In Spacy, we can also exclude a component by passing exclude keyword along with the list of excluded components. Unlike diable, it will not load the component and its data with the pipeline. Once the pipeline is loaded, there will be no reference to the excluded or include any components.

In [5]:
import spacy

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm", exclude=["ner"])    # Load the pipeline without the entity recognizer
doc = nlp("NER will be excluded from the pipeline")

We can also use the remove_pipe method to remove pipeline components from an existing pipeline, the rename_pipe method to rename them, or the replace_pipe method to replace them with a custom component entirely.

In [6]:
nlp.rename_pipe("ner", "entityrecognizer")
nlp.replace_pipe("tagger", "my_custom_tagger")
Argument Description
nlp.pipeline Returns tuples of component name and component of the processing pipeline, in order.
nlp.pipe_names Returns pipeline component names, in order.
nlp.components Returns tuples of all component names and components, including disabled components.
nlp.component_names Returns all component names, including disabled components.
nlp.disabled Returns names of components that are currently disabled.

Analyzing Components

In Spacy we can analyze the pipeline components using the nlp.analyze method which returns information about the components such as the attributes they set on the Doc and Token, whether they retokenize the Doc and which scores they produce during training. It will also show warnings if components require values that aren’t set by the previous component – for instance if the entity linker is used but no component that runs before it sets named entities. Setting pretty=True will pretty-print a table instead of only returning the structured data.

In [6]:
import spacy

nlp = spacy.blank("en")
# This is a problem because it needs entities and sentence boundaries

analysis = nlp.analyze_pipes()
print("output 1:")

analysis = nlp.analyze_pipes(pretty=True)
print("Output 2:")
[Out] :
Output 1:
  "summary": {  
    "tagger": {  
      "assigns": ["token.tag"],  
      "requires": [],  
      "scores": ["tag_acc", "pos_acc", "lemma_acc"],  
      "retokenizes": false  
    "entity_linker": {  
      "assigns": ["token.ent_kb_id"],  
      "requires": ["doc.ents", "doc.sents", "token.ent_iob", "token.ent_type"],  
      "scores": [],  
      "retokenizes": false  
  "problems": {  
    "tagger": [],   
    "entity_linker": ["doc.ents", "doc.sents", "token.ent_iob", "token.ent_type"]   
  "attrs": {   
    "token.ent_iob": { "assigns": [], "requires": ["entity_linker"] },   
    "doc.ents": { "assigns": [], "requires": ["entity_linker"] },   
    "token.ent_kb_id": { "assigns": ["entity_linker"], "requires": [] },    
    "doc.sents": { "assigns": [], "requires": ["entity_linker"] },    
    "token.tag": { "assigns": ["tagger"], "requires": [] },   
    "token.ent_type": { "assigns": [], "requires": ["entity_linker"] }   

Output 2:
============================= Pipeline Overview =============================

#   Component       Assigns           Requires         Scores        Retokenizes
-   -------------   ---------------   --------------   -----------   -----------
0   tagger          token.tag                          tag_acc       False

1   entity_linker   token.ent_kb_id   doc.ents         nel_micro_f   False
                                      doc.sents        nel_micro_r
                                      token.ent_iob    nel_micro_p

================================ Problems (4) ================================
⚠ 'entity_linker' requirements not met: doc.ents, doc.sents,
token.ent_iob, token.ent_type

Creating Custom Components

In Spacy we can create our own custom pipeline component and add it to the nlp pipeline. We create a pipeline component like any other function except first describe the function as a pipeline component using @Language.component decorator. This pipeline component will be listed in the pipeline config to save, load, and train pipeline using our component. The custom components can be added to the pipeline using the add_pipe method. we can also specify the component position in the pipeline list.

In [7]:
import spacy
nlp= spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

@Language.component("my_component")      # creating component.
def my_component(doc):
   # Do something to the doc here
   return doc

nlp.add_pipe("my_component", first=True)         # adding it to the pipeline.
nlp.add_pipe("my_component", before="parser")
Argument Description
last If set to True, the component is added last in the pipeline. By default, components are added in the last.
first If set to True, the component is added first in the pipeline.
before Takes String name or index to add the new component before.
after String name or index to add the new component after.


Reference – Spacy Documentation

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