8 Tips to Create Personal Brand for ML & Data Science Beginners


Machine Learning and Data Science has been the two most exciting fields in recent years. As with any growing field, there has been a sudden surge in demands of talents in these niches. The number of job openings in these fields have skyrocketed. This trend is only going to increase upwards as we move into next decade of 2020s.

Even though it is the best opportunity to make a career in this field yet beginners are struggling a lot to get a job. In this post we will see how beginners can make a powerful personal brand in this field to increase their job prospective.

Why Personal Brand is necessary ?

You might have done all available courses on ML and Data Science on internet and might have built loads of knowledge, yet you are still standing in the crowd. There is nothing special inside you that gives you an identity so that you stand apart from the crowd.

This is where a personal brand helps you create your own identity among the crowd using which you get an edge on job opportunities. Sometimes a strong personal brand gets  noticed by prospective employers on it’s own thus creating opportunities.

(As a matter of fact a good personal brand is required in any field irrespective of ML or Data Science.)

Let us now see some important tips to create a strong personal brand.

Tip #1 – Participate in Competitions

Surely you have learnt machine learning and data science skills but what use are those skills unless you try them out practically !! There are many platforms that host machine learning and data science competitions.

Regular participation in these competitions will not only give you great practice, but if you do well, you might become known within global or your local ML community. In fact, many of these competitions are sponsored by companies who are looking for talents for their job openings !!

Tip #2 – Write Blogs

Write online blogs about what you know in machine learning- it may be tutorials, your opinions, something about your work or some news that you have come across. Share your blogs on your social media and other community groups.

Writing blogs will showcase you as a figure who has a good knowledge in this field. Spreading your own knowledge will create a massive impact on your personal brand.

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Tip #3 – Create A YouTube Channel

If writing blogs is not your cup of tea then you can consider opening a YouTube channel, where you can share tutorial videos on machine learning and data science.

There are many beginners who needs direction and knowledge in our field of ML. If your videos have good content, then it will help you to create a powerful personal brand. Remember, in YouTube you have advantage to show your face thus adding to your personal brand !!

Tip #4 – A good Github Profile

Github – the place for coders is a perfect place to show case your projects. Whatever practical ML or data science work you do, put them on Github.

And if your work is really cool people might fork them out.  A nicely kept Github repository with many forks shows popularity of your work thus increasing your brand value.

Tip #5 – A good Linkedin Profile

If you are already a professional then this should be obvious for you that you should have a very professional looking Linkedin profile. All your project work in ML, github link, your certifications, all should be clearly mentioned in your profile.

LinkedIn profile reflects your brand. More better, if you can have your skills endorsed by some other person from ML community, it will add value to your profile and brand.

Tip #6 – Participate in online Forum discussion

You should participate regularly in discussions on various online forums and groups. Be active on question answer forums and try to answer as much questions as you can.

The more upvotes or likes you get on your replies and answers the more  will you will be portrayed as a personality that has knowledge in machine learning.

Tip #7 – Be active on Social Media

Let it be any social media platform or communities, you should actively share your or someone else’s posts on machine learning. Even if you are sharing someone else’s posts, still the more you share the more you will feature in other’s timelines, which will give you more attention by others. (There is a difference between spamming and posting more !!)

While sharing posts, you can also add a line of your thoughts and opinion, this will add value to the post and make you look like an authority.

Tip #8 – Networking

Networking is the key to opportunities !!

Closely follow data scientists , machine learning engineers and other prominent figures from our industry on various social media. Whatever they share online – like them, re share them and also put a comment on their post. If you do frequently like this, you might become a known person to them over the period of time and it will be easy for you to reach out to them for opportunities. Or may be they will reach out to you with opportunities.

Apart from online networking, do look out for local meetups in your city and interact with veterans and beginners of this field. Share your piece of advise or opinion in the meet up and  exchange contacts with the people.

With regular networking, who knows what golden opportunity might come knocking on your doors !!

In The End…

So these were some of the useful tips that can grow your personal brand and increase your job opportunities. If you follow most of them it is guaranteed that you will stand out from the crowd. Good Luck !!

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